kindness activist

kindness activist

Friday, August 28, 2020

Secret Ikea Kindness

Often people think of ACTS OF KINDNESS as huge, elaborate things that require preparation, time, and money.  But many times they can be simple, spur of the moment, and not that pricey!  And on the very rare occasion, they can be a bit magical and mysterious!  Here is the quick story of one of THOSE acts of kindness…

The other day my sweetheart and I were heading to Ikea.  I saw a neighbor post in a Facebook group that she was hoping someone had an Ikea shelving unit to give away.  I commented on her post that I would be happy to pick up a new one for her while we were at Ikea if she would repay me.  She replied that she didn’t have it in the budget to buy one right now, but was hoping someone had one they were no longer using that they would pass on.

I thought that was the end of my interaction on the matter and had my fingers crossed that someone would give her their old one.  But I never imagined that a different person in the group would see the short exchange and volunteer to be a “mysterious kindness fairy”!

Someone messaged me and said, “Susan, if you go to Ikea and they have the item she wants, grab it and I will reimburse you”.  Just out of the blue!!!  I replied and told her she was amazing, to which she humbly said, “Nah, it’s just been a crap year and this stuff makes me happy”.  AMEN, mystery kindness fairy!!!

THEY HAD IT IN STOCK!  Ikea for the win
Ikea DID have the item, so we bought it and delivered it to the person, telling her that someone wanted her to have it but not giving any names.  She was REALLY SURPRISED and delighted.  Later that evening she wrote, “Some faith restored in the kindness and generosity of stranger(s) this evening.  Thank you, whoever you are!”.  And the next day she sent me this photo of her brand new, fancy storage area!

PERFECT!!!  Printer stand.  Storage boxes.  Ahhh, organized!
So, you see, kindness doesn’t have to be elaborate.  It can be done in secret if you like!  All it has to be is heartfelt.  Your actions can make a difference.  Especially NOW, in this time of turmoil and anxiety in our country, little actions mean a lot.

What can YOU do to make a difference?

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