kindness activist

kindness activist

Friday, January 6, 2023

Kindness Activist Funds - First Report for 2023!

One of the principles of Kindness Activist is transparency - the funds being used to spread kindness come from many people - those who donate items to the annual yard sale, those who shop at the yard sale, those who make monetary donations, those who shop at a kindness auction...  Because these funds belong to so many people (and because I have been given the honor to use them), I am careful to account for how they are used and report back to YOU!  

So, here is the most recent installment of how Kindness Activist funds are being used to create KINDNESS RIPPLES in the world!

No one gets into the “kindness business” for the thank you s, but still, sometimes when you get them, they are super sweet.  And the last bunch of thank you notes that were dropped through our mail slot were just that – SWEET.

We used Kindness Activist funds to purchase some items for the playground of a local school whose students and staff had experienced a great loss.  Luckily, there was a wish-list of what was wanted. 

Kindness Activist gave the school a “mud kitchen” (outdoor play kitchen), pots, pans, strainer, and utensils to use with the kitchen (because how can you cook imaginary food without pots and pans??), and a really cool Tonka toy crane.  Obviously, these gifts cannot heal the sadness that everyone at the school must work through, but hopefully this small gift will bring a bit of joy to the young children.  I know that their thank you notes sure made me smile.


You are very welcome, little friends. 


Isn't this a super drawing??

And you, my friend, are womberfull, too

A heart AND a rainbow!!  Not sure what I did to deserve both!

Kindness Activist funds used:  $235.48


A neighbor reached out to ask if there were any books leftover from the Kindness Yard Sale that she could use to start a lending library in the teacher’s lounge at her children’s elementary school.  Well, we did not accept anything other than children’s books at the sale this year, so we didn’t have any appropriate ones to donate.  However, we DID have proceeds from the sale to buy some brand-new books to get the teacher’s lounge library started!!!  It was fun to choose a wide range of books that teachers might enjoy.  And the neighbor got some beautiful inserts to go inside the book covers, too!

Kindness Activist funds used:  $130.83 


Another person was looking for donations of big games that could be used for an event at a local high school.  Well, giant Jenga is fun for all, right??  So, Kindness Activist funds were used to give the school Jenga to use for the event and keep for future use.  I would say that was money well spent 😊 .


Kindness Activist funds used:  $125.61 


A local couple recently got the awful news that no one ever wants to hear…  let alone hear when you are out of town:  the pipes in their basement burst with the cold weather!  Not only that, but their bedroom and closets were in the basement, where everything was flooded. 


When they got back to town, they had a huge mess to clean up.  Neighbors loaned them fans, dehumidifiers and other supplies to help clean up, but even with the needed equipment that is a stressful situation to be in.  So, Kindness Activist sent a hearty lunch from Panera their way.  They were very thankful for the nourishment. 


Kindness Activist funds used:  $55.58


We have granted several pantry visitors’ grocery wish lists recently.  Guests are always very thankful to receive fresh meat, produce, and the other items they specifically request.  Special thanks to the “Pantry Crew” volunteers who often make these grocery shopping runs for guests!  It takes a village!


Kindness Activist funds used:  $272.88


And last but not least for this report – do you know those little cars that kids can sit in and actually drive?  Well, a neighbor scored one for free for her child to give as a holiday gift!  Only, it had one issue – it needed a new battery.  Kindness Activist to the rescue!!  We donated a brand new battery and a shiny big red bow to make the car look super fancy! 


Looks like it is on the showroom floor!  :) 

Kindness Activist funds used:  $42.50

More updates on how Kindness Activist funds are used coming up!!  In the meantime, thanks for all of your support.  Make sure you check out our website at:  Kindness Activist

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