kindness activist

kindness activist

Sunday, September 15, 2024

To Be Known

Met someone new tonight.

We were sitting outside on the porch steps sorting items for our big sale.  A person pushing a baby stroller, sans baby, rounded the corner.  We smiled and said hello and instead of walking by, they came up to us.


“Just got out of the hospital,” they told us.  It wasn’t until half an hour later that they showed us the still clean hospital band.  But when they said “just got out”, I think they meant JUST got out.


We had a nice chat.  Well, mostly we listened.  The stories were a bit confused but if we paid attention we could follow.  The most pressing issue seemed to be diabetes.  In the beginning of the story, we thought they had recently been diagnosed with diabetes, so expressed our sadness at that.  But then the tale turned, and they DIDN’T have diabetes after all.  We expressed our relief.  Only, then they announced that they were going to sue the hospital for giving them an illegal shot of insulin that “gave them” diabetes.  Ahhh, back to expressing regret.


I asked if they were hungry and they said yes.  “What would you like?” I asked.  “Oh, anything you’ve got!!” they told me.  We had already talked about them not having housing, so I figured something warm would be a treat.


I was ready to leave David to chat while I went down to make the guest dinner.  I told them it would take about 5 minutes and they said, “No worries!  I will look at my “Little House on the Prairie” book.  They held up a special edition magazine featuring the actors from the TV show “Little House on the Prairie”.  Flashbacks to watching Laura and Nellie and Ma and Pa.  But a total surprise as reading material for this guest.


I popped inside to make dinner.  Hormel Completes are excellent in these situations – all you have to do is microwave them for 60 seconds and they are ready to go.  I chose a meatloaf and mashed potatoes meal and put it in to heat.  I also started to brew a cup of coffee, the requested drink.


And I set about looking on the pantry shelves to find food suitable for this guest.  A guest who had everything they owned in a baby stroller, and who may (or may not…) have diabetes.


I filled a bag with: crackers, meat stick, jerky, toothpaste, toothbrush, canned mangoes, can of ham, Spam, can of sardines, nail clippers, jar of instant coffee, Sun Chips, and a can opener.


I balanced all the items and went out to present the meal.  They were very happy with the choice and I joked about what a “good cook” I am.  I explained that I had collected some things they might want, and they could say yes or no for each item.


Well, every single thing I took out of that bag was met with a smile and a big YES.  And I realized – ahhhh.  They have been in the hospital.  I bet they lost everything they had during that experience and now are having to collect it all again.  Hard.


They stayed and chatted for quite a long time.  They are a veteran – Marines.  Had been stationed in Germany.  Don’t like to be in large groups because loud noises disturb them.  From the south.  Lost a brother to drugs. 


I think really, they just wanted someone to listen.  To sit in the sunshine with cars passing by and listen, without judging.  Without advising. 


And isn’t that what we ALL want?  One of our favorite singers, Carsie Blanton, has a hauntingly beautiful song called, “Isn’t It All You’ve Ever Wanted”.  The lyrics are:



all the melancholy on the wind
low as a prayer spoken
you feel it blowing through you
everywhere your heart is broken
haunts you like a shadow when
you’re walking through the city on you own

all the ghosts who holler in the night
will try to make you lonely
and when in desperation
someone says that you’re the only one they want
you’ll go to sleep beside them
but you’ll wake up all alone

isn’t it all you ever wanted to be known?

remember when you thought
somebody else was waiting for you
and all the emptiness would end if only they’d adore you
how you had a child’s way of dreaming
don’t you miss it now you’ve grown

and isn’t it all you ever wanted to be known?

all the melancholy on the wind
you feel it shuffle through ya
how it breaks you open
til you’re singing hallelujah
never know the gravity of grace
until it hits you like a stone

isn’t it all you ever wanted to be known?



When it was time to make their exit, our new friend told us we were “family” now.  They packed up their new treats carefully and told us about a great spot they had found to score free stuff.  They had seen the sign for the upcoming sale and said they would see us there.  They invited us to attend an event this month about overdosing where they would be giving out $50 gift cards.  They told us they were going at 3:00 pm to get in line (several hours before the event) to make sure they were one of the first 100 people and get a gift card. 


We took the empty coffee cup and dinner plate back and said goodbye.


I think we will see them again. I hope they come back. 


I mean, we are family now, right?


To hear Carsie singing “To Be Known”, click here:  Carsie Blanton To Be Known


Special thank you to the donors who graciously give food so that we can have the honor of handing it out. 

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