kindness activist

kindness activist

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Scrabble Kindness

It is no secret that our country is in shock right now.  Many Americans, myself included, are walking around reeling, wondering WHAT just happened, and how they should deal with it.  I have been feeling powerless since the election results started pouring in - sad and powerless.  

But today during a very long commute, I got an idea:  SCRABBLE SENTIMENTS. 

Just Vote
Look, I know it is not rocket science.  And I know it is not going to fix the crazy mixed up American political system.  But at this point, I feel like I need to do SOMETHING to express myself, try and help anyway I can, and find a reason to stop crying.

Here's the deal - we have these light up SCRABBLE LIGHTS hanging on our front porch where we live (a house I affectionately call the "Big Yellow House" (BYH).  I have been using them to express myself.  We live on a busy corner.  Some people notice the lights as they walk or drive by.  Well, starting now, YOU can “rent” the Scrabble sign for 24 hours for your own message!!  The cost is whatever you would like to pay, starting at $5.  You choose from the list of charities below which one you would like your donation to go to and mail the money to me. At the end of the month, I put all donations together and send them in.  Charities listed are in areas that I fear will be hurt by the incoming American President.  So, not only does your message get put on the sign (allowing you to express yourself), but you are donating to support a cause that more than likely is really going to need help over the next 4 years.  Plus, passersby get to read your message!!  And, as an added bonus, I will take a photo of your sign and put it in a Facebook photo album (plus send you a copy!)

This is what is currently illuminated on our porch...  
Want to join in and express yourself?  Send me an email with your word and which charity you would like to help at .  Let’s do this!  And please share this with your friends – let’s get some donations going and DO SOMETHING POSITIVE. 

Charities you can choose from:

Planned Parenthood -
Muslim Aid USA -
Human Rights Campaign -
Friends of the Earth -
Democrats.Org –

Team Pantsuit!
Letters to choose from to compose your 10 letter maximum message:
A (5)
B (3)
C (1)
D (3)
E (6)
G (2)
H (2)
I (4)
J (1)
K (1)
L (2)
M (2)
N (3)
O (4)
P (2)
Q (1)
R (3)
S (2)
T (3)
U (2)
V (1)
W (1)
X (1)
Y (2)
Z (1)
Fine print:
-          Your message must be 10 letters or less (the light only has 10 squares)
-          Your message cannot be a curse word
-          I reserve the right to not accept your message if I find it offensive or disagreeable (after all, it IS going to hang at my house for 24 hours).  I will work with you to find a more appropriate message if I am uncomfortable with your first proposal

-          You have to commit to making the donation (no slackers) – mail it to me and I will put them together

THANK YOU KINDNESS ACTIVISTS!  Let's get some donations going and try to do some good here.

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